Our Aims are to promote the preservation, restoration, and improvement of St Ann's Well gardens for the education and benefit of the public, by associating the local authority and local community in a common effort to provide facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the object of improving the lives of local inhabitants. We rely on membership subscriptions and donations to support the work we do.


Annual Membership Subscription costs just £3 for an individual and £5 for a family.
In return you will receive regular updates with information on Events and Projects that The Friends of St Ann's Well Gardens are working on for the benefit of our park.
Use the Paypal link below to subscribe as a member or alternatively download our membership form which you can email back to us, and pay by bank transfer (we'll send you the details).
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can Gift Aid your membership fee - please download a Gift Aid form and return it to us.

If you would like to get involved in the work of The Friends of St Ann's Well we have different WORKING GROUPS covering various aspects of our work.
Throughout the year, the Events Team puts on a wide variety of events, attracting people from across the City. These events support local artists, crafters and performers as well as the Artists Open Houses. Help with ideas, planning, collecting boxes or assisting musicians and performers is always needed. From Theatre in the Park to the Christmas Market there is something to suit all interests.
The enthusiastic Wildlife Group is key to ensuring that the Park’s plants and wildlife flourish. The changing seasons bring many different challenges and new suggestions for improving diversity and the environment are always welcome. Volunteers help planting wildflowers, the RSPB annual bird count. There is always something new in nature to learn and people are very happy to share friendly help and advice.
We have an active Gardening Team, who meet generally on Mondays improving the Sensory Garden by weeding, pruning, tidying and planting new plants in the raised beds and borders. Our volunteers also installed new trellis on the south pergola, and above all kept the new plants alive through last summer’s heatwave by watering several evenings a week.
We also organise quarterly TidyUp sessions, where Friends members and local residents give the Gardens a spruce up by mass litter-picking.​

We have a strong track record of fundraising. Here are some of our recent achievements:
Raised £26K from towards the updating of the Sensory Garden
£4.5K from BritVic towards the restoration of the Sensory Garden pavilion, to be used as a resource for events and by local schools.
£1.6K from the Co-operative Community Fund towards the creation of a Historical Trail with weatherproof signs of old photos and pictures.
£600 from Brunswick & Regency Neighbourhood Action Group for a new bird interpretation board and feeding stations for the birds.