Help us turn the St Ann's Well Gardens Sensory Garden into a 21st Century multi-sensory sanctuary for people with a variety of special needs. We have already raised £38,000 for infrastructure improvements:- including raised beds; electrical supply to the shelter; improved access for wheelchairs and buggies; a new pergola and seating area, a soft-pour surfaced performance & group activities space; and kinetic sculptures. Part of these improvements have been match-funded by Brighton & Hove City Council. But we still need to raise £12,000
“The Scented Garden” was created in the 1960s primarily as a garden for enjoyment by people with visual impairments. Ramps into the garden and a yellow guide rail make it suitable also for people with mobility problems. Fifty years later, although there are still scented plants, the garden looks very tired. The lawn is heavily worn due to football games and dogs. In 2015, through a Britvic grant, the small shelter was repaired and metal shutters were installed to reduce vandalism. Recently the seating has been replaced with modern accessible seating around the edges of the garden. But bringing the Sensory Garden into the 21st Century, and making it a Sanctuary that engages all the senses (smell, touch, sight, and hearing) is our much more ambitious project. We are aiming to create a space for enjoyment by and we are working in partnership with Wavertree House (RNIB) and the Brighton & Hove Dementia Action Alliance. We have engaged the Sensory Trust to help us develop a detailed plan which will include a central seating area with shading, kinetic sculptures and many other sensory features. Please help us to continue to raise funds for this exciting project!
Our Current Appeal is
A Sensory Garden For the Future!

We have a strong track record of fundraising. Here are some of our other achievements:
Raised £3,500 towards the repair & rescue of fish from the Fishpond.
Raised £2000 to commission a wildlife pond; and involved the local community in helping to build it in November 2015.
Raised funds for and commissioned a Tree Interpretation Board which was installed in May 2016.
£4,500 from BritVic towards the restoration of the Sensory Garden pavilion, to be used as a resource for events and by local schools.
£1,600 from the Co-operative Community Fund towards the creation of a Historical Trail with weatherproof signs of old photos and pictures.
£600 from Brunswick & Regency Neighbourhood Action Group for a new bird interpretation board and feeding stations for the birds.

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